Hello! Let me introduce myself…

My name is Rhys James. I am 22 years old, and I am a journalist living in East London. I am a smiley person despite what this image of me shows- I thought I would include the image to seem all serious, plus I do love my outfit. I have written news reports for The Times, TechRound, and The Sun, but I have decided to make TORN to explore a topic that I hold close to my heart…clothes.

You may be wondering why the magazine is called ‘TORN’? The idea came to me when a friend of mine told me that she had torn one of her favourite shirts and she was devastated that she had to throw it out. I was shocked. Clothes rarely ‘have’ to be thrown out. As a society, we in Britain have been sold the idea that clothes should be easily replaceable and never re-used. I hate this.

Therefore, I am making TORN to highlight stories of fashion makers and designers across London who are using recycled materials to make beautiful pieces of clothing, who are creating curated lines which are made to last forever, and who are trying to change the attitude that consumers have towards their wardrobes.